Big Picture 2023 - Engelsbergs bruk
At this year’s Big Picture seminar at Engelsberg bruk, experts gathered to discuss the global situation. The focus was on the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine and its consequences, including shifting geopolitical dynamics and economic uncertainty. Seminar participants also reflected on upcoming pivotal elections in the USA and India, as well as the challenges posed by accelerating artificial intelligence.
Katarina Barrling
Associate Professor in Political Science at Uppsala University
Katja Creutz
Program Director, Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki
Magnus Henrekson
Professor, former CEO, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)
PJ Anders Linder
CEO and Editor-in-Chief, Axess Publishing
Lina Lund
Political Reporter, former Berlin Correspondent, Dagens Nyheter
Fredrik Löjdquist
Ambassador, Head of the Center for Eastern European Studies, UI (Utrikespolitiska institutet)
PM Nilsson
Political Editor, Dagens industri
Joakim Paasikivi
Lieutenant Colonel, Swedish Defence University
Peter Santesson
Ph.D. in Political Science, CEO of Infostat
Ola Wong
Culture Editor at Kvartal, author, and China expert